How to avoid the most common problems with hybrid working

Has your organisation found hybrid working difficult? Organising the logistics of hybrid working is hard enough, but dealing with employees expectations can make this task even harder. I’ve been working with a number of organisations that have managed the switch to permanent hybrid working a little easier. This article will outline some of the tips and tools I have learnt over the last few months so that your organisation can safely navigate the issues posed by hybrid working. This article will outline some of the biggest issues I have found that companies have experienced when pulling together a remote working plan so that you can avoid them.

There have been a number of issues when making the change from permanent office working to a mixture of working from home and remote offices or back in the office. In order for a hybrid working strategy to be successful I have outlined below the five biggest issues of hybrid working:

1. Cost of redesign of office and home equipment

With hybrid working comes the requirement for more collaborative and resiliency spaces within the office. Employees no longer want to visit the office to ‘swap desks’ they are looking for office space that creates a collaborative and imaginative environment. There is a redesign cost to creating these new spaces and time to consider the best options.

Creating ‘resilient’ workspaces

The Health and Safety requirement for home equipment has been a huge headache for organisation teams and HR.

How can your organisation avoid a costly hybrid redesign?

Asking your employees what would work best is a great way to get a hybrid redesign right the first time. Taking time to plan your reformated office space will ensure that costly mistakes are avoided.

Before moving onto the second issue to be aware of when putting together a hybrid working strategy, there have been a number of advantages of hybrid working that I have outlined in a previous blog. If you are interested in How will hybrid working benefit both employees and your organisation? then click here

2. The burden of responsibility of Hybrid working

Speaking to HR I have noticed that the burden of setting up hybrid working spaces has fallen to one department and often one team member. The added issue of looking after the wellbeing of the staff combined with the practical requirements that are required for hybrid working have left many HR personnel and organisational directors exhausted.

Burden of Hybrid working

The burden of responsibility of hybrid working

It is evident that organising remote working spaces, and ensuring technology are in place has left a large number of employees less effective in their role. The feeling of overwhelm has meant that a number of key personnel are not only emotionally exhausted and decided that ‘enough is enough’ and leaving that role due to the dramatic increase in emotional involvement.

The emotional exhaustion of looking after the additional pandemic wellbeing needs has paid also taken its toll. Often on the most caring of managers and personnel.

How to avoid over burdening essential staff?

Creating work life boundaries is essentail at the moment. Employees get used to remote working, they are not used to regulating their time between office and home. Organisaions are noticing that employees are working beyond their normal working hours resulting in presenteeism at work and even burnout and either going off sick or leaving the company.

I have put together a resilence workplace training that will help your employees create manageable work life boundaries with tips, tools and resources that will help them to work well. Drop me an email or connect on LinkedIn and we can work together to create a bespoke trainign that will assist your teams so that they remain focused at work and remain productive.

3. Practicalities of a remote meeting

Remote meetings mean that there is a revised skillset required by meeting coordinators to ensure that everybody in the team meeting is both heard and noticed.

Online meetings require a different set of skills that include asking coaching questions rather than directive questions. Directed questions that had a context in the office are often misinterpreted in a virtual, online meeting.

How to create great remote meetings

Creating the skillset that is needed to create an inclusive hybrid meeting requires a little work and mindse shift. Incorporating a coaching culture where questions are asked rather than directives offered will ensure that remote meetings retain engagemn.

Ensuring that meetings have clear agendas and stick to the allocated time will ensure engagemetn and creats a strong platform for trust

In addition a leadership skillset that ensure that team leaders are resonsive to the needs of their team is also important. If you are interested as a team leader in exploring this skillset this article will be of interest The 6 leadership skills that are essential for hybrid working then click here

What are the biggest issues of hybrid working for your organisation?

Practicalities of Hybrid working

4. Problems of team building with hybrid working

It has been well documented and anecdotally I have worked with a number of organisations that have recognised the difficulties of team engagement with online meetings. Zoom burnout was a recognised issue at the beginning of the pandemic and is an ever-present issue with engagement. New training techniques are required to ensure engaged team buildings. If you would like help in this space reach out and book an appointment with me so that I can run through some of the strategies I’ve used with organisations to assist in online burnout and increasing team resiliency and engagement across the hybrid space.

How can your organisation create strong team bonding strategies

Finding strategies to ensure that resilience in the workforce is part of your organisation’s hybrid working model.

If you are looking for more ideas on how to engage more with teams remotely then connect with me via LinkedIn or drop me a message here on my website

5. Increased Employee Burnout due to hybrid working

HR in particular have taken the brunt of the move to hybrid working. Organisational heads and HR personnel have had to adapt and organise new working practices quickly. Changing and adapting policies to accommodate this new hybrid working space. Updating technology and improving the skills of all staff was a huge consideration.

All these revised work initiatives have left many personnel exhausted and burnout.

effective of hybrid working

Employee Burnout

The pandemic has created a long-lasting emotional toll on team leaders, HR, as well as all employees. The uncertainty brought on by this dramatic workplace change has meant many employees are looking at the longer-term effects of running on constant adrenalin. Whilst the short term effect of working on adrenalin in this ever-changing work landscape was expected, this long term effect is resuling in burnout for a number of key performers and key saff members.

These key personnel players may not even recognise that the feeling of overwhelm and not being able to cope is burnout, they may simply feel it is the job and leave.

How to avoid burnout in your business

Creating a hybrid working plan is essential for all employees to understand what is expected in terms of their working hours but it must also include more work on wellbeing.

Creating a Wellbeing Strategy that will support and retain staff is essential – if you are looking for a simple Guide on how to create your organisations Wellbeing Strategy then this will be the perfect place to start click here and download your free Wellbeing Strategy Guide

If you would are interested in more details and read more about the negative ‘mental health’ effects of hybrid working. This article will be of interest: What is the true mental health cost of hybrid working for your employees?

Get in touch to improve team engagement so that you can avoid burnout

The ongoing crisis combined with remote working has meant that a comprehensive wellbeing strategy needs to be an essential part of a hybrid working plan. A wellbeing strategy that will ensure the emotional and physical safety of employees and sustainability of the organisation.

You are

“51% of employees are considering leaving their company if more flexibility and hybrid working option was removed”

Microsoft Work Index 2021

Meaning that organisations wishing to retain and keep key staff require a more flexible approach to the working environment. Organisations will be offering people the choice to either be at home or in the office – a hybrid solution that suits the individual and, will also benefit the organisation. If you are interested in reading more about How will hybrid working benefits both the organisation and the employee then this article will be of interest click here How will hybrid working benefit both employees and your organisation?

Next steps

To support organisations with performance issues and boost productivity during hybrid working contact Adele for coaching sessions for team leaders and employees. Coaching that use a structured approach towards clear objectives, personal growth and moving forward.

Adele’s coaching sessions were very valuable and well-timed during COVID lockdown, working from home.”

Lee Jennings Pension Planning at Openworks

If your organisation is looking to incorporate a coaching programme that improves wellbeing and performance. Investigate the opportunities that coaching can offer email me to discuss your organisational requirements or book an appointment straight in my diary

Client Feedback:

“Thoughtful, practical and actionable advice”

Karen King Resilience in the workplace
Karen King Head of Talent & Development at The Openwork Partnership

“You can fail to be motivated and inspired by Adele’s infectious enthusiasm and a holistic approach to wellness and stress reduction”

What a breath of fresh air you are Adele. So knowledgeable and passionate about wellbeing, personal growth and helping people to find ways to be their best selves.“

Karen King Head of Talent & Development at The Openwork Partnership

A gu

Picture of Adele Stickland

Adele Stickland

Business Psychologist & ICF Accredited Coach | Expert in Team Dynamics & Communication Working with organisations to improve team dynamics and psychological safety by creating collaborative & productive teams. An MSc in organisational psychology and awards in education and training enable me to combine evidence-based approaches & tools to support individuals and groups in professional & personal development #Highperformanceteams #Millennialworkforce #Leadershipdevelopment #Employeeretentionstrategies #Millennialjobhopping #Managingmillennials #Teamengagement #Workforcemobility #Professionalgrowthandmentoring #Organisationalculturemillennials

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Resilience Training
Adele Stickland

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Transformative Leadership Coaching for managers is a comprehensive coaching program designed to address the challenges faced by leaders in today’s dynamic business environment. This program empowers managers to enhance team dynamics and communication, master the art of effective delegation, and foster a culture of recognition and accountability. By focusing on developing soft skills, empathy, and adaptability, it equips leaders to navigate the complexities of modern management, bridge generational gaps, and lead with vision and purpose. Tailored to meet the unique needs of each organization, this innovative approach ensures leaders are prepared to inspire, motivate, and drive their teams toward shared success, laying the groundwork for a future where leadership is synonymous with resilience, inclusivity, and transformative impact.